The Vereinigung Stuttgarter Studentenwohnheime e.V. (VSSW) was founded in 1969 by members of the University of Stuttgart with the aim of creating attractive student residences. Thanks to this unprecedented initiative, it has been possible to build 2,578 dormitory units in 7 dormitory complexes on the land provided by the state of Baden – Württemberg by way of hereditary building rights, both on the Stuttgart – Vaihingen university campus and in the city center.
The construction costs amounted to 67 million euros and were financed by grants, subsidies and reduced-rate loans from the Federal Republic of Germany, the state of Baden – Württemberg and the state capital Stuttgart, as well as by capital market funds and equity capital of the Vereinigung Stuttgarter Studentenwohnheime e.V. (VSSW).
Once the apartments were ready for occupancy, they could be leased to the Studierendenwerk Stuttgart for student accommodation.
Over the years, the VSSW has spent 47 million euros on maintenance and modernization costs for the residential homes.
In the meantime, 5 dormitories facilities are operated by VSSW under its own management.
The VSSW also keeps on eye on present-day requirements. For instance, in 2010 a photovoltaic system with 61.9 kWp was built on the roof areas of the Pfaffenwaldring II student residence.
Executive Board and Board of Management
Prof. Dr. Fritz Berner – Chairperson
Prof. Dr. Burkhard Pedell – Deputy Chairperson
Institute of Business Administration, Department of General Business Economics and Controlling, University of Stuttgart
Dr. Alexander Kappes
kappes ipg GmbH
Board of Management
Prof. Dr. Fritz Berner – Managing Director
Pfaffenwaldring 50 A
70569 Stuttgart
Tel.: +49 (0)172 7109267
Other contacts
Pfaffenwaldring 50 A
70569 Stuttgart
Andreas Wirth
Head of Real Estate Management
Cindy Bickert
Rental managment for the dormitories Allmandring I und Wiederholdstr.
Aikaterini Tsompanidou
Rental managment for the dormitories Pfaffenhof I, Pfaffenhof II and Straußäcker I
Charter of the Vereinigung Stuttgarter Studentenwohnheime e.V.
Original charter
of 14.10.1968
Amendment on 17.09.2014, adopted by the members on 17.09.2014
adopted by the members on 20.10.2020
§ 1 Name, registered office and legal structure of the association
1. The association has the name “Vereinigung Stuttgarter Studentenwohnheime e.V.”.
2. Its registered office is in Stuttgart and is to be entered in the register of associations (amendment to the charter).
§ 2 Purpose and tasks of the association
1. The purpose of the association is to provide financial and non-material support to students, particularly from the University of Stuttgart, through the construction of student residences that are made available to the students. This can be further realised through the direct support or the support of other organisations active in this area. In addition, the association may also directly pass on donations to the University of Stuttgart and the Stuttgart Student Union – public agency -for the realisation of the above objectives of the association. The same also applies to promoting the objectives of the University of Stuttgart.
2. The association shall solely and directly pursue non-profit activities in accordance with the provisions of “Tax-privileged purposes” of the German Fiscal Code. Its funds shall only be used for the purposes it pursues.
3. The association is non-profit-making, it does not pursue objectives serving its own economic interests.
§ 3 Membership
Members of the association may include natural persons and legal entities who support the objectives of the association. The Executive Board shall decide on the admission of members.
§ 4 Termination of membership
The membership terminates:
1. upon the death of the member or dissolution of the legal entity,
2. with a written letter of resignation by observing a period of notice of 3 months to the end of the financial year,
3. by exclusion which the Executive Board may decide for cause. The excluded person or entity is entitled to file an appeal within one month of receipt of the notification, the decision of which is made at the next general meeting.
§ 5 Raising of funds
1. The funds for the association’s tasks are raised from
a) donations and foundations,
b) public funds of the state of Baden-Württemberg and the government,
c) other income.
2. The funds of the association may only be used for the purpose of the association stipulated in the charter. The members do not receive any allowances or gifts from the association’s funds.
3. No individual may benefit from expenses that are not related to the purpose of the association, or through inappropriately high allowances.
§6 Bodies of the association
The bodies of the association are:
1. the Executive Board
2. the General Meeting
§ 7 The Executive Board
1. The Executive Board is made up of three individuals, namely the chairperson, the deputy chairperson and another member who is elected at the general meeting.
2. The term is for 3 years. The chairperson remains in office until the new election.
3.The Board of Directors is responsible for management. It may authorise individual board members to enter into certain types of transactions. For the purposes of carrying our current business, it may appoint a general manager and conclude a general manager contract with him or her, including on behalf of the Association. If a general manager contract is concluded with a general manager who is simultaneously a member of the Board of Directors, then the Board of Directors, consisting of the other members of the Board of Directors, is authorised to conclude the general manager contract on behalf of the Association.
4. The presiding chairperson of the Executive Board represents the association judicially and extrajudicially.
5. The Executive Board may receive an appropriate remuneration for all activities for the association. The remuneration levels shall be decided at a general meeting.
§ 8 The general meeting
1. The general meeting is convened by the Executive Board in writing
a) for passing a resolution on changes to the charter or about the dissolution of the association; a 2/3 majority of the attending members of the association is required,
b) to elect members to the Executive Board,
c) to decide on an appeal from an excluded member.
2. The Executive Board shall take minutes of decisions of the general meeting. The minutes shall be signed by the chairperson.
§ 9 Final provision
Upon dissolution of the association or discontinuation of its tax-privileged purposes, the assets of the association shall revert to the University of Stuttgart as a corporation under public law, who shall use the assets solely and directly for purposes of public benefit, charitable purposes or ecclesiastical purposes.
Interested in becoming a member?
For further information regarding membership please send an e-mail to
Additional information
The Finanzamt Stuttgart – Körperschaften recognised the non-profit status of the association pursuant to §§ 51 to 68 German Fiscal Code (AO) and exempted the association from corporation and trade tax. The association is entitled to issue corresponding donation receipts.